Friday, July 10, 2009

Best Medicine

I see music as kind of a way to escape whatevers going on. There are songs that can piss you off and there are songs that can make you happy. Music is like a medicine whether it be good or bad. I don't think theres one type of music that i don't like. There are types that i don't listen to as much as i do others, but i do listen to everything. My mom is always commenting on how diverse my iPod is and how she loves the fact that i love all types of music. I think a hand full of people don't appreciate music for what it is, but there are all the others that love it just as much as i do. The other day i watched Ray. Its a movie about Ray Charles Robinson and his life as a musician and how he works from the bottom to the top. Ray has been my favorite movie ever since it came out in 2004. Its probably the one movie that i could watch over and over again, and never get tired of it. Its musicians and groups like Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder, and The Temptations that have inspired me to take music as far as i have in the past 8 years.

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